Sundays, 10:00 Am - 1:00 Pm

Sunday Service

New Creation Baptist Church

5 Raymond St, Millbury, MA 01527


We believe it's important for our church to know what we value and understand the vision for our future.

What We Believe
(1.) The autonomy of the local church. (2.) The centrality of the Bible in our life and faith. (3.) The priesthood of all believers. (4.) Religious liberty. (5.) Separation of church and state. (6.) Acceptance of baptism and communion as the only two ordinances. (7.) A commitment to mission and evangelism.
(8.) The presence and the power of the Holy Spirit

Who We Are
New Creation Baptist Church was organized on April 11, 2004 and incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a non-profit corporation on January 31, 2007.

New Creation Baptist Church is an autonomous local church that chooses to voluntarily affiliate with others. Therefore we are committed to membership in the North American Baptist Association (NABA) of the Ghana Baptist Convention, The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM), and the American Baptist Churches of the United States of America (ABCUSA)

God has called us to glorify Him, by reaching our generation with the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20), making them disciples of Jesus Christ, equipping them to live for Him and transform their world.
